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Service Providers phone Numbers

1603 Oak Park Blvd.
Accepting in clients in bold print.
Jeanette 925-681-9857

Hair Stylist
Stylist accepting new clients are in bold print.
Hailey 925-435-5174
Treca Skillin 925-317-6757

Pegah Eslami 925-448-5069*
Harley 415-819-0841*

Kymber 925-788-9169
Cassie V.  925-408-8669
Tammy 925-609-1245

* Book on-line at the address below

1607 Oak Park Blvd.
Hair Stylist
Stylist accepting new clients are in bold print.
Jane 925-812-2860
Kelly R. 925-676-9729
Jeanette T. 925-300-8070 

1609 Oak Park Blvd.
Hair Stylist
Stylist accepting new clients are in bold print.
Tami G 925-595-3252
Sophia 925-360-4774
Bruce 925-658-8651
William 925-323-8197
Brielle 925-219-5155
Jeffery 925-914-928

Jess 925-768-4678 (Men's Haircuts Only)
In keeping with the California State laws, all booth renters must schedule their own appointments.
Please call or text your service provider directly, at their number found on this page.
Thank you!
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